Stories and Plays

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Rivers of Ink,
12 Willows Press, 2023
"A Day in the Life of a River Driver" (reprinted from Timberrr: A History of Logging in New England, Millbrook Press, 2003)
Faces (Nov-Dec 2017) "Apollo and the Laurel Tree" a retold legend
Faces (Oct 2010) "The Ninth Door" (reprint of  Faces, April 1999 Bosnian folktale) 
Faces (April 2010) "Legend of the Moccasin Flower" (reprint of Faces, May 2001 folktale)
         Now available as an eBook, copyright Cricket Media 
Faces (Oct 2009) "Fetching Summer: A Mi’kmaq Folktale" (reprint of Faces, Nov 1999 folktale)
Faces (Oct 2004) "Naskapi Tales: Two Legends"
     Based on retellings by Lawrence Millman
Faces (May 2001)  "Story of the Moccasin Flower: An Ojibwe Legend"
     Based on retellings by Lise Lunge-Larsen and Margi Preus, and Basil H. Johnston
Faces (Feb 2001)  "Zohra and the Gazelles: A Moroccan Folktale"
     Based on a retelling by Frances Carpenter (included on Cobblestone website, 2003)
Faces (Nov 1999)  "Fetching Summer: A Mi'kmaq Folktale"
     Based on retellings by Marion Robertson and Ruth Holmes Whitehead
Faces (April 1999) "Josip and Bas Celik" [a Bosnian Folktale]
     Based on a retelling by Robin Landew Silverman
Faces (April 1998)  "The Prince and the Bird Maiden: A Serbian Folktale"
     Based on a translation by Madam Csedomille Mijatovies and a retelling by Jan Mike
 Faces (Sept 2008) "Women Will Vote" (adaptation of play in Cobblestone, March 2000) 
Cobblestone (March 2000) "We Will Vote: A Play in Four Scenes" [about Elizabeth Cady Stanton]    [republished by Rosen Publishing Group's book series, Readers' Theater: Exploring History Through Plays, 2019]
Cobblestone (Feb 1992)  "A 'Cool' Inventor" [about Frederick Jones, inventor of the refrigerated truck] (excerpts reprinted as educational testing material by American Institutes for Research, 2008)    [republished by Rosen Publishing Group's book series, Readers' Theater: Exploring History Through Plays, 2019]
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