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For Teachers:

    About Cyrus Field's Big Dream
Suggested Ages / Grades
Age 10 (Grade 5) and up. A "rousing good story." "Field's...diligence and perseverance shine brightly, and these attributes make this story a winner."
Enrichment Activities
There are several enrichment sources on pages 196-197 of  the book, titled "Connections to Make."

Enjoy these videos: "The Trans-Atlantic Cable." "How To Build a Telegraph."  "The Moment Communication Went Global." "How The Internet Travels Across Oceans." "How a Few Undersea Cables Connect the Entire Internet."

Search online for "Great Eastern." There are many sites, including "SS Great Eastern: Brunel's Great Babe." "Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s ‘Great Eastern’." "Brunel and the Great Eastern." "SS Great Eastern, Brunel." "SS Great Eastern, the Gigant." "The Millwall Leviathan: The Great Eastern." "SS Great Eastern: Too Big to Sail."

Visit the extensive website, "Atlantic-Cable.com." It's full of information on the transatlantic cable and on Cyrus Field and other cable pioneers.

Read John Godfrey Saxe's poem, “How Cyrus Laid the Cable" and Cyrus Field's explanation of how he laid the cable (on pages 175-185 in a 1905 volume of Great Events by Famous Historians.) 

Check out this article written by the Steamship Historical Society of America. 

See Cyrus's  Congressional medal.

Download one or more of my PDF activities: Book Scavenger HuntMorse Code activityQueen Victoria's messagesComparing Currencies

Curriculum Connections
Cyrus Field's Big Dream was designated a Best STEM Book by the National Science Teaching Association, in cooperation with the Children's Book Council. The book will meet STEM and STEAM requirements, and curriculum standards in the following areas:
      Language Arts, Science and Technology, Mathematics, History, Geography. 
Click here to download a PDF of this curriculum chart.
Content Areas
Categories / Activities
    • Language Arts READING:   biography of a notable American
WRITING:   book reports, journals, letters
RESEARCH:   resource notes, selected bibliography
     • Science and Technology


Pioneering use of underwater electric cables
Development of the scientific method
Compare Cyrus Field's undersea cable with today's methods of instant communication
Uses of Morse Code
Naval architecture
PHYSICAL SCIENCE: weather/climate
     • Mathematics Recording and analyzing data
    Comparing statute miles and nautical miles
    Estimating and measuring distances, time, and weights
    Comparing currencies
     • Social Studies: History Chronology 1819-1866
Civil War
Nineteenth century urban development and expansion in the U.S.
U.S. relations with Canada and Great Britain
    • Social Studies: Geography North America and the British Isles
Oceans and land masses
The Atlantic Ocean, including ocean floor
Using latitude and longitude to locate global positions


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